Tuesday 1 June 2010

existing imagery for ideas...

I want to use typical images and processes a fortune teller would use so that it is very clear what the business card and stationery is selling...

Tarot Cards are an obvious device that could be turned into business cards. Maybe leave the front side as a tarot and just have the relevant information on the back of it.

A channel 4 poster, which I am drawn to due ot the selection of fonts and layout.

An existing business card: Maybe too typical?
Am drawn to the colour palette of this poster and think the symmetrical writing and illustration really works with the fortune teller idea. Maybe too busy for a business card/stationery. But could be developed...

Slightly too scary and gypsy like for what I want to achieve with this brief...
Maybe something more fun and the business card could actually be a miracle fish - the packaging would lend itself to the business card format.
More tarot cards...
Other than tarot cards and miracle fish I could use palm reading as a device for stationery...

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