Tuesday 1 June 2010

existing imagery for ideas...


existing business card:
Not sure about the leopard print and think it is too stereotypical.

When I googled 'beauty', this interesting tie-dye style image came up. Think the are too many colours in it at the present time but this could be one possible route to go down.

Another existing business card:
Think it is more interesting than the previous one do to the subtleness of it. Allows the procedures to do the talking.
Had a look for more tye-die images, and found this one. I am interested in the way it shades out but I do not like the lines in it. Could I create one in photoshop maybe?

Do not think this is a business card but I am drawn to the background - subtle gradients like I have been describing and then a simple cream pattern over the top. This really works and I would be interested to see how it could be developed.
Here is one pattern I could put over my photoshop gradients.

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