Now I have to start designing my 'books'. I have selected a cream card for the boxes as I feel it will be strong enough and it will also have more warmth to it over stark white.
As a result of this I need to find 8 colours which will work with the cream background. Below are some of the colour palettes I have been testing. I feel the first lot are too vivid and in your face. I am drawn to the next palette, however a few of them are very similar and do not have enough contrast against each other. The 3rd palette is getting there, but some of the colours are too bold and in your face.
Finally the fourth range of colours. I believe these work well together and also allow a strong enough distinction between them.
Having selected the final colour palette I now need to discover the most relevant font types for each of the topics.
Below are some of the test fonts I experimented with hoping to discover the right one.
The fonts in red show the ones I have selected for each topic.
I felt sophistication needed to be posh, complete and italic. For low-fi I automatically thought of a typewriter used to produce the type on a publication. Next was decorative, I thought of using over the top, serifed fonts, however I thought the rosewood font I selected showed a different side to the topic. Informative, needed to be strong, clear and easy to read. Traditional required a serifed font and something easily recognisable. Contemporary needed to be bold, clear, simple and eye-catching. I selected the dotted font for sustainable as it would use less ink than the others. Finally, for disposable I wanted to pick a font which was used on packaging and was not very popular - therefore people would be happy to throw it away.
Below are the final pairs (opposites) and their selected colouring.